Table of Contents

Warrior Cats (Warriors)
Channel: #kittens-in-badass-warrior-mittens
GM: Citrisfur
Region: Present Day, North America


This roleplay follows the writing style, character creation, actions, and abilities, and formatting of a typical entry in the Warriors series written by Erin Hunter. For absolute beginners, information about any of the previous can be reviewed on the “Everything to Know About Canon Warrior Cats” page. Unless you've read part of the series or are in some way already familiar with the canon series itself, I would recommend reading that page before reading this one.


Arc 1

After the destruction of their old territory and the migration to a new land, the traditional four clans of Thunder, Shadow, Wind and River must cut their losses and decide where their warriors' loyalties now lie. To make matters worse, Starclan has been worryingly absent during their travels. Fearing for their safety, the clan cats must band with the locals to keep their forces strong, and to restore their faith in their ancestors.

Starclan and Prophecies: What Do They Mean To You?

Starclan characters cannot be played in the same way regular characters can. Starclan cats have limited interactions with the living, and although there are no borders inside Starclan's territory, cats tend to group with their own clans and families unless special cause prompts otherwise.

Prophecies are used to drive arcs, contributing to the plot. Prophecies given from Starclan to living cats are vague as to not explicitly direct every aspect of the living cat's life. It is the decision of your character for if they will choose to believe in Starclan's guidance, although in some way their prophecies will always become true.

Because of their plot importance, prophecies are handled by the Game Master. However, ideas for future arcs or prophecies can be suggested and may be used in a future date. If the idea contains spoilers, the idea may optionally be sent to only the Game Master for review.

Rules and Guidelines

I have a basic map drawn, although it’s kind of reminiscent of the new canon lake territory. I want to draw the map digitally and upload it here when I can. The map supports all previous clan environments and the seasons vary in weather greatly.

In addition to following the canon standardization, these rules have been imposed to adapt the series into a roleplaying environment.

Each roleplayer is entitled to one clan, fully customizable with either canon or original characters. New clans start off small, but are able to expand their territory and their clan rosters by means of active roleplay, the purpose being to keep newer players from becoming overwhelmed. To keep track of a clan's strength, a 'power' system will be incorporated. Power is loosely kept track of outside of the roleplay to keep interactions between opposing clans fair. The Game Master will keep track of all clans' power, notifying players of any approaches to either boundary of their current power limits. Requests can be made anytime to evaluate a clan's power, such as for reasons of changes of clan sizes or disputes between clans.

A starting clan for a new player has the following positions to occupy:

Positions can be filled with either the new player's own controllable character, or other roleplayers can be invited to fill positions with their own characters, actively using them. As with any roleplay, a roleplayer cannot control another's character without their explicit permission.

As a clan's power grows, more positions will become available in the clan. An example of a clan with ~5 more power would be as follows:

Power is loosely determined by the number of cats alive in a clan, although some other factors may come into play. As a clan's power increases, greater amounts of land will be available to claim as their territory, because of both an increase in the number of cats available to patrol, and greater demand on prey needed to keep the clan fed. There are a few ways that a clan may increase its power:

  1. Clan queens give birth to kits
  2. Recruitment of Kittypets from Twolegplace
  3. Recruitment of loners from the wilds

Additional Rules

Kittypets who are uninteresting in living outdoors but are still interesting in clan life may contribute to a clan. These cats are canonically known as Daylight Warriors. These cats are also counted in the calculation of a clan's overall power.

vv to delete vv - clans prove themselves to increase power and territory, gaining more members
- kits are used to increase power
- queens can’t have kits without mate although same sex couples + adoption fine!
- scouting missions for kittypets fine, level of success determines cooldown for next scout
- if power decreases, leaders encouraged to recruit/encourage mates
- clans within the same amount of power can fight with reason, cooldown for attacks
- higher power can challenge lower for valid reason
lower has time period to ask for other clan’s help/recruitment
- daylight warriors are used for attacks or if used for clan power below max limit
- least amount of time for kit growth is one week, additional week for apprenticeship
- leaders have nine lives, and unless given valid reason cannot lose more than one per week. leaders are meant to live generations.
- a player having a hand in multiple clans is good, to encourage RP. a cat shouldn’t be. We have plenty of characters for clans.

Drama over prey
Spiritual connections

Rules and Guidelines may need to be modified at certain points, and as such this page is subject to frequent change. In addition, contact Citrisfur at anytime on Discord for any type of questions about the roleplay.